Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vocabulary #7

1)ad infinitum-endless, without limit
2)apportion-to distribute proportional
3)bona fide-made, done, presented, true
4)buoyant-tending to float
5)clique-a small exclusive group of people
6)concede-to acknowledge as true
7)congenial-agreeable, suitable, pleasing in nature or charact
8)lofty-extended high in the air
9)migration-the process or act of migrating
10)perceive-to recognize, envision, or understand
11)perverse-intentionally determined
12)prelude-to go forward in an act of action
13)rancid-having an unpleasant smell or taste.
14)rustic-unsophisticated, rude, and artless
15)sever-to seperate from the whole
16)sordid-dirty, filthy, and meanly
17)untenable-incapable of being defended.
18)versatile-having or capable of many uses
19)vindicate-to upload or justify by argument
20)wane-a gradual decrease or decline in strength

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