Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Novel writing

 the novel I am editing for Te
ana is at http://tsilveiraengcomplit.blogspot.com/
bosom:  the breast
prudently:wise or judicious in practical affairs; sagacious; discreet or circumspect; sober
Inveterate: confirmed in habit, feeling, etc
propensity: inclination or tendency
repose: rest or sleep
  to remove or withdraw into solitude
 to claim
to drink
 not ceasing

cognomen:any name, esp. a nickname
gambol:to skip about playfully
spectre: ghost
tarry:to stay
[Hessian]:of or pertaining to the state of Hesse or its inhabitants, Hessian mercenary used by England during the American Revolution

Monday, October 29, 2012

Words I Didn't Know in "Sleepy Hollow"

  1. rural
  2. Inveterate
  3. Tranquility
  4.  Stripling
  5.  Reverberated
  6.  Hessian Trooper
  7.  Propensity
  8.  Spectre
  9.  Embosomed
  10.  Lank
  11.  Cognomen
  12.  Torrent
  13.  Vicinity
  14.  Formidable
  15.  Potentates
  16.  Ingeniously
  17.  Incessant
  18.  Abode
  19.  Reverie
  20.  Prolonged
  21.  Eeplot
  22. Gambol
These are the words from the story I didn't quite get I shall look up the definitions tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

vocab #8

 flout: to openly disregard 
caveat: a notice or warning
blazon: to proclaim widely
filch: to steal casually 
fractious: bad tempered; easily irritated
equitable: fair or impartial
autonomy: self governing
addendum: in addition
amnesty: forgiveness for a pass offense
axiomatic: self-evident; unquestionable
extricate: free from constraint or difficulty
soporific: medicine inducing sleep
scathing: critical or scornful.
unwieldy: diffucult to carry or move because of size.
vapid: boring; not stimulating or challenging 
prognosticate: foretell a future event
sepulchral: gloomy or dismal
salutary: positive effect; beneficial
straitlaced: exaggeratedly proper
scourge: a whipped used as punishment

precept: A rule used to regulate.
transient: impermanent

Monday, October 22, 2012

Remix on Emerson

 Found this video on youtube and it's the best one i've seen so far. I love the examples, it demonstrated what Emerson was talking about perfectly. I hope everyone likes it! I'm sorry its late! I didn't fully understand the project until today.

presidential fallacies debate

  • tu quoque-Romney said he was targetting alkiata now its targetting russia, focous on middle east terrorism; Obama
  • argumentum ad numerum- troops in midde east for security in lybia : Romney
  • post hac ergo propter hoc- guns for security: Obama
  • argumentum ad hominem- sending troops to syberia; "idea is not bright" :Obama
  • nauralistic fallacies- enviornent, healthy air,oil, coal, 12 million new jobs :Romney, Obama
  • argumentum ad antiquitatum- military has always been that way, we dont need it: Obama

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Vocabulary #7

1)ad infinitum-endless, without limit
2)apportion-to distribute proportional
3)bona fide-made, done, presented, true
4)buoyant-tending to float
5)clique-a small exclusive group of people
6)concede-to acknowledge as true
7)congenial-agreeable, suitable, pleasing in nature or charact
8)lofty-extended high in the air
9)migration-the process or act of migrating
10)perceive-to recognize, envision, or understand
11)perverse-intentionally determined
12)prelude-to go forward in an act of action
13)rancid-having an unpleasant smell or taste.
14)rustic-unsophisticated, rude, and artless
15)sever-to seperate from the whole
16)sordid-dirty, filthy, and meanly
17)untenable-incapable of being defended.
18)versatile-having or capable of many uses
19)vindicate-to upload or justify by argument
20)wane-a gradual decrease or decline in strength

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Revision strategy

In my essays i need to be more organized. Maybe i can make a chart or do bullet note on what im going to say in my essay and have stronger example.

Translation on Thoreau

Part 1 Notes
  • he went to the woods on purpose
  • trying to find the nessesary facts on life to see what life has to offer
  • wasn't living life to its fullest
  • he wants to live
  •  focous on good and not the bad
  • push the negativeness out
  • experience life to the edge
  • wants to be enlightened
  • society doesn't fight for life
  • when it does they fail because they do not know how
Part 2 Translation
 He went into the wood to get out of the BS non fighting society he was living in he didn't want to be misserable all the time like the rest of them were he wanted to live his life to the fullest, on the edge. Since he started  living in nature he started living his life to the maximum. He started pushing all the negitivity out of life and started pushing in the positive. He wants to be enlightened by life. and wants society to do it to.
society doesn't fight for life. When they do they fail because they don't want to fight or they don't know how. Blow after blow to avoid fighting and their life is misserable because they wont fight.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Midterm study strategies

My study strategy is to use flash cards. I have found out in the past that flash cards are easier to remember the words easier throughout the week I will be studying all the vocab we have learned.