Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dream Within A Dream

How interpreted this poem was that Poe is trying to figure out how he's going to move on from a loved one. It is not for sure if it was written about and ex girlfriend or getting over a death. I  understood it as getting over a loved on because I can relate and after reading the poem I felt myself become emotional to the poem.

Analysis Book Choice

The book I chose is "Tempted" by P.C and Kristen Cast. I Chose this book because I just love the series I seriously get addicted to it and plus I know I can read it within two to three days. I look forward to reading this book.

Research on Romanticism

              Romanticism has almost nothing to do with love their was a time in history in England and Germany had a Romantic period but was known as the "age of revolutions".  The word romantic just triggers your imagination it imagines thing that the person could only dream of which is interesting. I got this information from.
                Romanticism first began with fairytales in the eighteenth century by Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm from Germany.
                Romanticism was defined as an aesthetic in literary criticism for art. It emerged by answering the Disillusionment of emotion and imagination. WWW.Met

Train of Thought

As I was walking alone down the street I found myself thinking about Nana and how I miss her and wish she was still here then I started stressing about her memorial this Saturday and how I haven't started her picture memory bored. Ever since she passed away I can't help but feel that void, the void where she used to fill. For those who don't know me and my relationship I had with my Nana, I was the closest to her out of all the grandkids. So it is definitely hard thinking of my life and future without her. Then I started thinking about Thursday and how the poem, that Dr. Preston is having us memorize, brought up so much emotion about missing my nana . At least it was at the end of the class because I hate crying in front of people. As second period started to begin I felt my emotions to start to become more worse and started to feel more vulnerable, so I excused myself to the bathroom and began to cry for a good ten minutes. When I went back to class my teacher understood and supported me. I was glad I had good friends in that class because they comforted me and was empathetic toward my situation. Since Thursday I found myself thinking of her and wondering how life would carry on alive, but I knew better. Its still upsetting to think of her as, I'm never going to here her voice, see her, give her hugs, and to argue with her about stupid stuff. It makes my heart ache knowing all of what I just said. It sucks.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

"Levi Go Forth"

1. Levi got he poem, "Laughing Heart", from author, Charles Bukowski
2. I think it's ironic because in the commercial it makes Levi jeans sound so important even though they're not. It makes Levi sound so complicated and inspiring  even though they're not, there just simple.
3. I think it definitely reflects the author because it just shows "It might not be much light but it beats darkness" his life may not have been very happy but he knew there was light. It didn't have to be a lot as long as you know there is light.
4. I actually found this poem on a blog called just poetry, very interesting.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Aha!: in class today I had an aha moment when  Dr.Preston described to the class about the signs that are used very day that are used in code in words! Never in my mind would I have seen or heard that every word in a language is a code for something that helps us connect the dots like for example, smoke indicates  fire!  Amazing.

Goodman Brown Questions

  • What do you think Hawthorne's purpose was for writing this story? To be honest I'm not sure. It was definately hard story to read.
  • Hawthorne states that Brown's wife is "aptly named" Faith.  After reading the story, do you agree?  Does Faith's name fit her personality?  Does Brown have true faith in her?
  • I think Brown has faith in her and her name does fit her well because she has fifth in Brown and her religion. When I think of faith I think of perfect and innocents and faith is both of those words.
  • What do you think the pink ribbons signify? 
  • Faiths innocence because at he end she was in nothing but black clothes but she still had her pink ribbons o she till had her innocence.
  • Was everything Brown witnessed real, a figment of his imagination, something conjured by evil, or a dream?  Support your answer with passages from the text.
  •  I think it was conjured by something evil and was a warning to him.
  • Who do you think the old man really is?  What textual clues tell you this?
  • I think the old man is the devil, because he wants Brown to go against his belief.
  • What does the staff represent?  Do you think the staff leads Brown onward or is the primary motivator Brown's own conscience/mind?
  • I think the staff represents the devil and the staff is wanting him want to go through the easy road in life.
  • If Brown had not ventured into the forest, how would his life be different?  If he'd stayed home, would Brown still have Faith?  Would he still trust his wife and his fellow townspeople
  • I think he still would have trusted his wife and friends if he wouldn't of went through the Forrest and have faith.
  • Vocabulary list #3

    Encomium- A formal expression of high praise;eulogy. 
    Coherent- Logically connected; consistent. 
    Belabor- To explain,worry about, or work out repeatedly or more than necessary. 
    Eschew- To abstain or keep away from; shun; avoid. 
    Acquisitive- Tending or seeking to acquire and own, often greedily. Emulate- To try to equal or excel. 
    Arrogate-To attribute or assign to another. 
    Banal- Devoid of freshness or originality. 
    Excoriation- To strip the skin of a human or an animal. 
    Congeal- To curdle; coagulate, as a fluid. 
    Carping- Characterized by fussy petulant faultfinding. 
    Substantiate- To establish by proof or oe competent evidence. 
    Temporize- To treat or parley so as to gain time. 
    Largesse- Generous bestowal of gifts. 
    Tenable- Capable of being held, maintained, or defended. 
    insatiable-Incapable of being satisfied or pleased. 
    Reconnaissance- The act of reconnoitering. 
    Germane- Obsolete. Closely related. 
    Ramify- To divide or spread out into branches.

    Tuesday, September 4, 2012

    symbols in Goodman Brown

     1. Forest: Reality
    2. Pink ribbons: innocence, Naive
     3. Serpent staff: a glimps to see the easy way through life
    4. Old man: future brown
    5.Goodman Brown: his personality
     6. Faith: faithful, trust worthy